FFtogo : Taking Your FriendFeed Addiction Mobile

If you have known me for any amount of time you probably know I have a little addiciton to FriendFeed and use it pretty much anytime I am not sleeping.  Its a great service and I have met some pretty kool people.

Now one thing I find myself doing more and more on a daily basis is using my mobile device when I am away from my machines or in a setting where sitting with a laptop may not be the best and of course if I am away from home I am not using my desktop.

That is where FFtogo comes in.  I bet you can guess already but it is the mobile version of the service we have all come to know and love.  Now for all the hardcore FriendFeed users ou there this is probably old news but I thought I would share it for those who might not be aware that there is a mobile version to use.

FFtogo was the creation of Benjamin Golub (who now works for FriendFeed) and if the name sounds familiar to ya that is because he also created RSSmeme.

Well there really isnt much more to say about FFtogo so jump on over and get your FF fix anywhere you want now.  Oh and hey while you are there be sure to look me up @ friendfeed.com/jeffisageek

1 thought on “FFtogo : Taking Your FriendFeed Addiction Mobile

  1. Benjamin did a great job with FFToGo and it was a large part of how he got started at FriendFeed, obviously. Glad you like it.

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